Friday, January 27, 2012

Not so Happy Birthday, blog!

What do you do when you have a horribly bad mood and your most prized possession turns two the next day? Do you not celebrate it or celebrate in a full mood so that maybe you feel happy? I had many plans in mind for the time my blog turns two. Those have seemed to vanish in thick air. Its uncanny how your plans change when life happens. Well, I have always believed that the more you plan, the harder the destiny hits you. I tend to forget it sometimes but that's okay, events keep happening to remind of the same.

Anyhow, like always, as a custom, I have to thank a few people who have helped me reach as many followers as I have today, though the ones who actually read are only a handful, I can count them on one finger. Thanks Leo, for the incredible haiku prompts that make me think.

 Thanks to Sookie, who has made me write in the REAL sense of it.

 Thanks to NJ, whose writings have inspired me always. 

Cheers, who with one guest post had given my blog its  share of fifteen minutes of fame.

Thanks to Gulzarsaab, whose lyrics make me cry and pine for NOT writing like this, I never can match you, Sir. To Salim Merchant and Sulaiman, I love your songs.

Thanks for all my fictional friends, you have been there when I needed you the most, always. You never leave my side even when I am not ME.

Thanks for all your support, I hope you keep reading it, let the love touch me and take me out of this cynic mode 

Here's what Leo has to say of my blog. I consider it an honor that he writes here, so when I get old, the technological changes render me helpless, I can still have a hard copy of my yesteryears, of my glory days. I think I would miss all of this at that time and Sometime, they would make my life a little more bearable than it is today.

OK… I’ll start off on this guest post for Miss Spree by telling I have no idea what to write. Seriously! It’s been ages since I wrote a guest post for an anniversary of a blog. And this blog has been known to me mainly through the haiku she writes for my meme, Haiku Heights; and I know Spree mainly through her tweets and virtual voice. 

She herself would admit that of late, she has been feeling a little unlike her usual chirpy and bubbly self. We all have our own problems, and I can relate to the feeling of total disregard to happiness that she has been finding lately. I told her too, and she sort of cheered up when I told her she was being un-Spree-ish; to the extent that she has decided to go ahead with this celebration almost full-heartedly rather than a little forced. I’m glad for that, because a blog birthday is sort of a milestone. To go a few months without quitting is one thing; to come through multiple years is something worth mentioning. I hope she doesn’t lose that cheerfulness in her, that passion for writing and sharing something from her life’s journey in her own style. There will come a time in life when even that virtual aura of Spree will seem afar for her, uncomforting… but I urge her not to quit on herself, or on Spree. I’m sure anyone who reads her will surely agree with me when I say she has got lots and lots of talent in her, and many words that she would be delighted to share with us. My message and request to her would be:

Go past your sorrow
For a smile will come your way
Ease heartbeats again

I find the best hopes
Hidden deep in my pen’s ink
Write it out and see

Your joys are nearby
Just lost in light of darkness
Seek, and you will find

Coming to her blog, I know it as I told, for a long time now. I known it since it was called, “Breathless Soul”. It is a fine place to find some haiku, some of which are so mature and deep, it captures the mind. It’s a delight to write here, and share a few thoughts. I myself have changed the name of my blog so often, but in the end, I always return to the one I used first. I feel that it holds a special place in the heart, because what we write out without thinking is what we want to be written out, rather than the ones which need so much thought. Similarly, I, for one, would request to her that she returns to the first name, “Breathless Soul” which so reflects who she is, what her virtual aura portrays. I keep my words to that, and wish the blog many more birthdays to come.

Does a name matter?
I think it does, my dear friend
It speaks of your soul

I wish all your joys
Little as they might now feel
To grace your aura

On this blog birthday
Let idiosyncracies
Be breathless again

 Wishing this blog by a good friend a happy 2nd birthday and more to come, with lots of haiku. My message for her, is quite evident. I wish her happiness, joy and whatever good I can think of in this small write of mine, and also wish the blog become its original name again, for I think it reflects her a lot.

Bye, and once again, thanks for the honor of guest posting on your blog’s birthday, Spree.

2 Your takes:

Someone is Special said...

Congrats on completing two years Spree.. Keep smiling as it will give you confidence.. and Leo, your guest post did the trick..

Someone is Special

Fatima said...

Happy Birthdae to ur blog :D
I always read you you don't even know :)

Take Care

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