Inseparable as we were, like fingers of a palm,
fun, wit, love, parody...we had it all.
Different paths we have chosen for ourselves...
Its distance distances us,
From where there was endless chattering noises
there is now silence!
tears threaten to spill down from eyes,
And a realization dawns...
Friends who were then, Now act as strangers!
- Ananya
4 Your takes:
Hi ananya
red both ur creations, and I must say dat u have loads of talent in u....
Breathless soul was great, and of a different style, while d second one was also fantastic....
u really miss ur friends it seems :)
great work, but y so depressed? cheer up!
Update soon
nyc...original...thoughtful..simplicity... :P
6 out of 10 from me :)
sense and simplicity ...
Appealing verse !!
theek he matlab achi he umm, logical bi he ,politeness bi he...all in all i like it.....good ananya
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