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Sunday, January 23, 2011
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- Spree
- Black currant ice cream lover. A hard-core feminist. Addicted to writing. Hate Maths. Like good music. Believe in Fairy tales and want one of my own.
6 Your takes:
Wonderful take on the prompt, Ananya. All a sinner can ask for is redemption, I suppose.
BTW, love the template header, ruby red!! :)
Great job! I like the alliteration in the first line.
Loyalty is what everyone seeks, an error of infidelity lets loose all hell, besides a plea for pardon I suppose much more needs to be done.
Great thought for the prompt.
very poignant first line, Ananya :) beautiful tercet.
Very nice haiku for the prompt.
Ananya, there is much more to a haiku than just three lines. Haiku is syllable based, and has certain rules to it. 3 lines together can have 17 syllables or less.. (syllable is pronunciation sound.. e.g.: Ananya, has 3 coz u say it as An-an-ya :) ), its usually associated with nature and has a seasonal word. Though Haiku Heights approve non nature ones that are called senryu, as host, I just thought I’d let you know. Haiku is a very nice form to try.. and I think you can do a nice one as well.
As I commented before, I liked your attempt a lot, and I hope to see you try and become better at writing Haikus too :) thanks for suggesting Mirage as a topic. I've kept that as the topic at HH for 27th Feb.
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