Introduction! :) :)
So, Apart from licking my owner's Nya's feet or innocently gazing at my human family's visages...I write! in my free time of course,when no body's at home and I don't have to bark to seek attention. My foolish friends leave some paper scattered on floor every time ..a disheveled look always associated with the room I sleep in and as for a pen..well, what is my mouth for? I catch a pen from the bedside table. :) I mostly prefer talking about US..the animals and sometimes about my wonderfully supportive "irresponsible" family.
I would especially than the blog owner Ananya who one day happened to accidently see me bawling over the paper and offered me to put it here:)
So, Welcome Aboard! I wish you a happy reading but yes, beware! I am primarily a dog only, So if you don't comment..I will personally come and strangle you piece by piece aand as for those who don't believe a dog can write, Back off already!
Au revoir for now..
7 Your takes:
Hello Cheers.. Nice introduction.. All the best for this column of yours.. :) and thanks for mentioning me too.. :D
Take care
rofl...only u can come up wid something like this cheers baby...now we can have first hand commentary. do write a column on life with ananya bhatia...and be honest! she wont throw u out for 'barking' reality
haha! That is a really cool way of introducing yourself!
Your also invited to Bookreviews at Bookrack
On behalf of Cheers.. :)He is a busy personality now! Signing his posts,encryptions on his paw-written pages and ahh! what not! since he was reluctant to give his id and password away to me..I have decided to answer ur comments from my id. :)
@Sur..Yeah! Thanks gal for reading it commenting..Yeah..Life with ananya bhatia is hectic! really..ask me how. .:)
@booklover..hey..thanks ya! For dropping by and commenting.. And I appreciate the invitation..I will think about it ;)
You really have a cute lil pup! how i envy you! :P
btw nice blog! :)
lol! cheers!
LOL! What the fuck? :| You've a cute pup!
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